Source code for chariots.versioning._version

"""module for the version class"""
import hashlib
import datetime as dt
from typing import Optional

from dateutil import parser

from .._helpers.typing import Hash
from ._version_type import VersionType

[docs]class Version: """ Type of all the different versions used throughout the Chariots framework. A Chariots version has three subversions (major, minor, patch) each subversion is the hexadecimal representation of the VersionedFields of this version. two versions are considered equal if all their subversions are the same. A version is considered greater than the other of the other if one or more of it's subversions is different and it has been created later. you can use the `+` operation between two version to create a new version. this new version will NOT be the same as creating the new version from the same VersionedFields as the two versions: `version(foo) + version(bar) != version(foo, bar)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, major: Optional[Hash] = None, minor: Optional[Hash] = None, patch: Optional[Hash] = None, creation_time: Optional[float] = None): """ ONLY PROVIDE ARGUMENTS IF YOU ARE PARSING A VALID VERSION :param major: the starting hash of the major version :param minor: the starting hash of the minor version :param patch: the starting hash of the patch version :param creation_time: the starting creation time of the version """ self._major = major or hashlib.sha1() self._minor = minor or hashlib.sha1() self._patch = patch or hashlib.sha1() self._creation_time = creation_time or dt.datetime.utcnow()
def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Version): raise ValueError('can only add Version with version, got {}'.format(type(other))) result = Version() result.update_major(self.major.encode('utf-8')) result.update_major(other.major.encode('utf-8')) result.update_minor(self.minor.encode('utf-8')) result.update_minor(other.minor.encode('utf-8')) result.update_patch(self.patch.encode('utf-8')) result.update_patch(other.patch.encode('utf-8')) return result def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) @property def creation_time(self) -> float: """the time stamp of the creation time of the version""" return self._creation_time def __gt__(self, other: 'Version') -> bool: if self == other: return False return self.creation_time > other.creation_time def __eq__(self, other: 'Version') -> bool: return (self.major == other.major and self.minor == other.minor and self.patch == other.patch) @property def major(self) -> str: """the hash of the major subversion""" if isinstance(self._major, str): return self._major return self._major.hexdigest() @property def minor(self) -> str: """the hash of the minor subversion""" if isinstance(self._minor, str): return self._minor return self._minor.hexdigest() @property def patch(self) -> str: """the hash of the patch subversion""" if isinstance(self._patch, str): return self._patch return self._patch.hexdigest()
[docs] def update_major(self, input_bytes: bytes) -> 'Version': """ updates the major subversion with some bytes :param input_bytes: bytes to update the major subversion with :return: the updated version """ self._major.update(input_bytes) return self
[docs] def update_minor(self, input_bytes: bytes) -> 'Version': """ updates the minor subversion with some bytes :param input_bytes: bytes to update the minor subversion with :return: the updated version """ self._minor.update(input_bytes) return self
[docs] def update_patch(self, input_bytes: bytes) -> 'Version': """ updates the patch subversion with some bytes :param input_bytes: bytes to update the patch subversion with :return: the updated version """ self._patch.update(input_bytes) return self
[docs] def update(self, version_type: VersionType, input_bytes: bytes) -> 'Version': """ updates the corresponding subversion of this version with some bytes :param version_type: the subversion to update :param input_bytes: the bytes to update the subversion with :return: the updated version """ if version_type is VersionType.MAJOR: return self.update_major(input_bytes) if version_type is VersionType.MINOR: return self.update_minor(input_bytes) if version_type is VersionType.PATCH: return self.update_patch(input_bytes) raise ValueError('you provided an invalid version type: {}'.format(version_type))
def __repr__(self): return '<Version, major:{}, minor: {}, patch: {}>'.format(self.major[:5], self.minor[:5], self.patch[:5]) def __str__(self): hash_str = '.'.join((self.major, self.minor, self.patch)) return '_'.join((hash_str, str(self._creation_time))) def __getstate__(self): self._major = self.major self._minor = self.minor self._patch = self.patch return self.__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, version_string: str) -> 'Version': """ parses a string representation of a saved version and returns a valid `Version` object :param version_string: the version string to parse (this must come from `str(my_version)` and not `repr(my_version)` :return: the version represented by the version string """ hash_str, creation_time = version_string.split('_') major, minor, patch = hash_str.split('.') return cls(major, minor, patch, parser.parse(creation_time))