Source code for chariots.pipelines.pipelines_client

module for the different clients (test and python) available to call the backend in python direcly
(rather than HTTP)
import json
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Any, Optional, Mapping

import requests

from ..versioning import Version
from ..errors import VersionError
from . import PipelineResponse, Pipeline

class AbstractPipelinesClient(ABC):
    base class for the chariots Clients. it defines the base behaviors and routes available

    def _send_request_to_backend(self, route: str, data: Optional[Any] = None, method: str = 'post') -> Any:
        sends a request to the _deployment and checks for the relevant error codes
        :param route: the route to request
        :param data: the data to send to the _deployment (must be JSON serializable)
        :return: the response of the request
        if method == 'post':
            return self._post(route, data)
        if method == 'get':
            return self._get(route, data)
        raise ValueError('unhandled method: {}'.format(method))

    def _get(self, route: str, data: Any):

    def _post(self, route: str, data: Any):

    def _check_code(code):
        if code == 404:
            raise ValueError('the pipeline you requested is not present on the app')
        if code == 500:
            raise ValueError('the execution of the pipeline failed, see _deployment logs for traceback')
        if code == 419:
            raise VersionError('the pipeline you requested cannot be loaded because of version incompatibility'
                               'HINT: retrain and save/reload in order to have a loadable version')

    def call_pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline, pipeline_input: Optional[Any] = None,
                      use_worker: Optional[bool] = None) -> PipelineResponse:
        sends a request to the `Chariots` server in order to get this pipeline executed remotely on the server.

        .. testsetup::

            >>> import tempfile
            >>> import shutil
            >>> import time

            >>> from redis import Redis
            >>> from chariots.pipelines import Pipeline, PipelinesServer
            >>> from chariots.testing import TestPipelinesClient, TestOpStoreClient
            >>> from chariots.workers import RQWorkerPool
            >>> from chariots._helpers.doc_utils import is_odd_pipeline
            >>> from chariots._helpers.test_helpers import RQWorkerContext

            >>> app_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            >>> op_store_client = TestOpStoreClient(app_path)
            >>> op_store_client.server.db.create_all()
            >>> app = PipelinesServer([is_odd_pipeline], op_store_client=op_store_client, import_name='simple_app',
            ...                worker_pool=RQWorkerPool(redis=Redis()))
            >>> client = TestPipelinesClient(app)

        .. doctest::

            >>> client.call_pipeline(is_odd_pipeline, 4).value
            >>> client.call_pipeline(is_odd_pipeline, 5).value

        If you have a long lasting pipeline (training for instance) that you don't want executed n the http request but
        asynchronously in a separate worker, you can use the `use_worker` argument:

        .. doctest::
            >>> with RQWorkerContext():
            ...     response = client.call_pipeline(is_odd_pipeline, 4, use_worker=True)
            ...     print(response.job_status)
            ...     time.sleep(5)
            ...     response = client.fetch_job(response.job_id, is_odd_pipeline)
            ...     print(response.job_status)
            ...     print(response.value)

        .. testsetup::
            >>> shutil.rmtree(app_path)

        here you can get the user gets the output of the pipeline that got executed in our `Chariots` micro service

        :param pipeline: the pipeline that needs to be executed in the remote `Chariots` server
        :param pipeline_input: the input of the pipeline (will be provided to the node with `__pipeline__input__` in
                               it's `input_nodes`). If none of the nodes accept a __pipeline_input__ and this is
                               provided the execution of the pipeline will fail. pipeline_input needs to be JSON
        :param use_worker: whether or not to execute this request in a separate worker.

        :raises ValueError: if the pipeline requested is not present in the `Chariots` app.
        :raises ValueError: if the execution of the pipeline fails

        :return: a PiplineResponse object
        pipe_route = '/pipelines/{}/main'.format(
        response_json = self._send_request_to_backend(route=pipe_route, data={'pipeline_input': pipeline_input,
                                                                              'use_worker': use_worker})
        return PipelineResponse.from_request(response_json, pipeline)

    def fetch_job(self, job_id: str, pipeline: Pipeline) -> PipelineResponse:
        fectches a Job launched previously

        :param job_id: the job id that can be found in `PipelineResponse.job_id`
        :param pipeline: the pipeline object to fectch

        :return: the updated Pipeline response
        fetch_route = '/jobs/fetch/'
        response_json = self._send_request_to_backend(fetch_route, data={'job_id': job_id})
        return PipelineResponse.from_request(response_json, pipeline)

    def save_pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline):
        persists the state of the pipeline on the remote `Chariots` server (usually used for saving the nodes that were
        trained in a train pipeline in order to load them inside the inference pipelines).

        :param pipeline: the pipeline to save on the remote server. Beware: any changes made to the `pipeline` param
                         will not be persisted (Only changes made on the remote version of the pipeline)
        save_route = '/pipelines/{}/save'.format(

    def load_pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline):
        reloads all the nodes in a pipeline. this is usually used to load the updates of a node/model in the inference
        pipeline after the training pipeline(s) have been executed. If the latest version of a saved node is
        incompatible with the rest of the pipeline, this will raise a `VersionError`

        :param pipeline: the pipeline to reload

        :raises VersionError: If there is a version incompatibility between one of the nodes in the pipeline and one of
                              it's inputs
        load_route = '/pipelines/{}/load'.format(

    def is_pipeline_loaded(self, pipeline: Pipeline) -> bool:
        checks whether or not the pipeline has been loaded

        :param pipeline: the pipeline to check
        check_route = '/pipelines/{}/health_check'.format(
        response = self._send_request_to_backend(check_route, method='get')
        return response['is_loaded']

    def pipeline_versions(self, pipeline: Pipeline) -> Mapping[str, Version]:
        gets all the versions of the nodes of the pipeline (different from `pipeline.get_pipeline_versions` as the
        client will return the version of the loaded/trained version on the (remote) `Chariots` server)

        :param pipeline: the pipeline to get the versions for
        :return:  mapping with the node names in keys and the version object in value
        versions_route = '/pipelines/{}/versions'.format(
        raw_mapping = self._send_request_to_backend(versions_route)
        return {
            node_name: Version.parse(version_str)
            for node_name, version_str in raw_mapping.items()

[docs]class PipelinesClient(AbstractPipelinesClient): """ Client to query/save/load the pipelines served by a (remote) `Chariots` app. for instance if you have built your app as such and deployed it: .. testsetup:: >>> import tempfile >>> import shutil >>> from chariots.pipelines import Pipeline, PipelinesServer, nodes >>> from import MLMode >>> from chariots.testing import TestPipelinesClient, TestOpStoreClient >>> from chariots._helpers.doc_utils import IrisXDataSet, PCAOp, IrisFullDataSet, LogisticOp >>> from chariots._helpers.test_helpers import FromArray >>> app_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> op_store_client = TestOpStoreClient(app_path) >>> op_store_client.server.db.create_all() .. doctest:: >>> train_pca = Pipeline([nodes.Node(IrisXDataSet(), output_nodes=["x"]), nodes.Node(PCAOp(mode=MLMode.FIT), ... input_nodes=["x"])], "train_pca") >>> train_logistic = Pipeline([ ... nodes.Node(IrisFullDataSet(), output_nodes=["x", "y"]), ... nodes.Node(PCAOp(MLMode.PREDICT), input_nodes=["x"], output_nodes="x_transformed"), ... nodes.Node(LogisticOp(MLMode.FIT), input_nodes=["x_transformed", "y"]), ... ], 'train_logistics') >>> pred = Pipeline([ ... nodes.Node(PCAOp(MLMode.PREDICT), input_nodes=["__pipeline_input__"], output_nodes="x_transformed"), ... nodes.Node(LogisticOp(MLMode.PREDICT), input_nodes=["x_transformed"], output_nodes="pred"), ... nodes.Node(FromArray(), input_nodes=['pred'], output_nodes='__pipeline_output__') ... ], "pred") >>> app = PipelinesServer([train_pca, train_logistic, pred], op_store_client=op_store_client, ... import_name="iris_app") .. testsetup:: >>> client = TestPipelinesClient(app) you can then train save and load your pipelines remotely from the client .. doctest:: >>> response = client.call_pipeline(train_pca) >>> client.save_pipeline(train_pca) >>> client.load_pipeline(train_logistic) >>> response = client.call_pipeline(train_logistic) >>> client.save_pipeline(train_logistic) >>> client.load_pipeline(pred) >>> response = client.call_pipeline(pred, [[1, 2, 3, 4]]) >>> response.value [1] but if you execute them in the wrong order the client will propagate the errors that occur on the `Chariots` server .. doctest:: >>> response = client.call_pipeline(train_pca) >>> client.save_pipeline(train_pca) >>> client.load_pipeline(pred) Traceback (most recent call last): ... chariots.errors.VersionError: the pipeline you requested cannot be loaded because of version \ incompatibilityHINT: retrain and save/reload in order to have a loadable version .. testsetup:: >>> shutil.rmtree(app_path) this example is overkill as you can use `MLMode.FitPredict` flag (not used here to demonstrate the situations where `VersionError` will be raised). this would reduce the amount of saving/loading to get to the prediction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, backend_url: str = ''): self.backend_url = backend_url
def _post(self, route, data) -> Any: response = self._format_route(route), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(data) ) self._check_code(response.status_code) return response.json() def _get(self, route, data) -> Any: if data is not None: raise ValueError('get unhandled with data') response = requests.get(url=self._format_route(route)) self._check_code(response.status_code) return response.json() def _format_route(self, route): return self.backend_url + route